I was beyond excited for Sunday's activity way before we even left for the trip. In fact, this specific day was one that I had remembered talking about and I remember how excited I was. The excitement and hype was all worth it. It was amazingly beautiful and truly one of my more favorite days. One part of this day I loved the most was my time talking with Renee. She has this glow about her that makes you stop and do nothing but listen. Her presence on our trip was definitely something we will all cherish. One thing her and I talked about was how some Jamaicans blame the U.S. government for some of the countries problems. She made the claim that some Jamaicans who dislike American visitors are more angry towards the wrong doings of the U.S. government than the people. This was very interesting to me as I have been focusing on the proper way to travel and complete mission trips appropriately. Our conversation was very insightful. Obviously the best part about this entire day was MEETING USAIN BOLT!!!!

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